
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Foundation?

The Cold Spring Harbor Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to raising funds for the enhancement of quality education for all students in the Cold Spring Harbor School District. Through the ongoing collaboration with the District, the Foundation elevates the learning experience of Cold Spring Harbor students at every grade level.

How is the Foundation different from the school PTGs and Booster Clubs?

The Cold Spring Harbor Educational Foundation is an independent non-profit, which means that we are not governed by the school district as district parent organizations are. Our role is to provide support for our students that goes beyond what the district budget, tax dollars, and PTGs can cover.  

Who Should Support the Foundation?

Whether you have children currently attending the Cold Spring Harbor public schools or not, as a community member the health of our public schools should be important to you. An excellent school system helps create a thoughtful community, stimulates creative thinkers, and produces leaders. Great schools also ensure strong property values and attract residents who place a high value on education. As Cold Spring Harbor School District residents, we all have a stake in supporting the continued excellence of our public schools and can do so by contributing to the Foundation.  

Don't Property Taxes Cover School Expenses?

In a word, no. The actual cost of educating Cold Spring Harbor public school students greatly exceeds the amount of funding provided by state and local taxes. As federal and state education aid dries up for communities like ours, public schools rely on private funding.

Can the Foundation Fund a Teacher?

No. While the Foundation can fund professional development, it cannot fund salaries. Our grants fund new curriculum programs and initiatives.